Cookie Policy for Only Cars Hire Ltd Websites.

Cookies that  Only Cars Hire Ltd. use.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

(A) to assist us in analyzing the use and performance of our website and services (cookies used for this purpose are: Google Analytics) and

(B) To store your preferences regarding the use of cookies in general (cookies used for this purpose are: exp_cookies_allow.)

(C) To provide website functionality, such as securing our contact forms

Cookies used by our website

We use exp_cookies_allow, exp_cookies_accepted or exp_cookies_reclined to track and respect your choices. We use cookies on all our websites to remind you of where you are and to help and protect you.

We use exp_last_activity, so each time the page reloads, the last activity is set to the current date and time. Used to determine form expiration or login. It is essential for logged in users to record their data and not lose it when logging in. Expiry period 12 months.

exp_last_visit Specifies the date and time that you last visited the site. Affects incoming guests and users. Expiration time is 12 months.

exp_tracker 5 Tracks the last page you viewed and is primarily used to redirect after performing certain actions on the site, ie returning to the pages. This affects the guests and logged in users. This cookie expires when you leave the site.

We also use exp_csrf_token. This cookie protects against counterfeit site request (CSRF). A CSRF attack forces the imported victim browser to send a fake HTTP request, including the victim session cookie and other automated authentication information, to a vulnerable web application. Expires after one hour from your computer.

Tokens are used to secure contact form submissions. Expiration time: session.

Cookies used by our service providers

We use Google Analytics to analyse the use of our website. Google Analytics gathers information about website use by means of cookies. The information gathered relating to our website is used to create reports about the use of our website. Google’s privacy policy is available at: Google Analytics uses the following cookies:

_ga – Used to distinguish users. Expires after 2 years.

_gid – Used to distinguish users. Expires after 24 hours.

_dc_gtm_UA-8559356-2 – Used to throttle request rate. Expires after 1 minute.

We use Google AdWords Remarketing to display related ads to our website visitors. Google AdWords Remarketing uses the following cookies:

NID – to help customise ads across Google Properties. Expires after 6 months.

IDE – to help customise ads across the web. Expires after 1 year.

We use Google Maps to show the location of our site on our website. Google Maps can set the following cookies to measure the number and behavior of Google Maps users: SID, SSID, HSID, NID, PREF. Most of them expire after 6 months.

Our service providers use cookies, and they may be stored on your computer when you visit our website.

Manage cookies

You can manage your cookie preferences here.

On the other hand, most browsers allow you to refuse cookies and delete cookies. The methods for doing this vary from browser to browser and from version to version. However, you can get up-to-date information on blocking and deleting cookies through these links:

(a) (Chrome);

(b) (Firefox);

(c) (Opera);

(d) (Internet Explorer);

(e) (Safari); and

(f) (Edge).

Blocking all cookies will negatively affect our usability and that of many other websites.

If you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features of our website.